Dedicated to the support of the Ludington State Park!

FLSP recognizes the individuals that have become Lifetime Members.  They are also acknowledged on a Lifetime Membership plaque in the LSP Warming Shelter.  

Steve and Brenda Begnoche
Linda Cronewett & Shirley Tuller
David and Heidi Goehmann
Pat & Julie Greene
Dave and Chrissie Hall
Gary and Karen Hearing
Leo and Nancy Hesting
Joe and Betty Hollander 
Romona & Matthias Kolb
Debra Kroll
Dan and Ann Mapes
Kay Metzner
Patrick and Maria O'Hare
Mary Ann Reiner
Bob and Susan Sasin
Ron (R.J.) & Missy Schutt
Carol Spence & James Franchek
Mary & Mark Wludyka and Family

We thank these

Lifetime Members for their commitment to supporting FLSP!

Friends of Ludington State Park, P.O. Box 123, Ludington, MI 49431 --  Contact us via Email

For park reservations or other information check out the Ludington State Park Website.

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