Dedicated to the support of the Ludington State Park!

There are numerous ways you can donate to support the Ludington State Park.  

All donations of $250 or more will be recognized on our donor recognition plaque in the Warming Shelter.  Please indicate in the comment field if you would prefer your donation not be recognized on the plaque. 

PLEASE NOTE:  The Ludington State Park is no longer able to designate specific trees, benches or picnic tables as having been donated by someone or in memory of someone. 

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Second Email
*Mailing / Street Address
*Zip Code
*Amount ($USD)
Payment frequency
*Please select where you would prefer your funds be spent:
If this donation is $250 or more, would you like a name(s) added to our donation plaque?
Please enter the name(s) you would like listed on our donor plaque in the Warming Shelter.
Is this donation in honor or memory of someone?
Clear selection
If this donation is in Honor or Memory of someone and you would like us to send a card, please indicate the person's name in the instruction field along with the name and address of the person who should be notified of your donation.
In Honor or Memory Instructions:
If there are any additional comments you would like to provide regarding your donation, please let us know.
You will receive an emailed receipt. If you require a mailed receipt for your donation, please indicate by clicking yes.

Friends of Ludington State Park, P.O. Box 123, Ludington, MI 49431 --  Contact us via Email

For park reservations or other information check out the Ludington State Park Website.

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