Dedicated to the support of the Ludington State Park!

Donor Recognition

Over the years, FLSP has recognized donors in a variety of ways. Below are the names of donors that have contributed to specific projects or made non-designated donations to FLSP.  We thank them all for their support of FLSP.

The following individuals are recognized on the donor plaques in the Warming Shelter. 

Cliff, Gina, Andrew and Mathew Airhart
FLSP Donors David Martus & Loren Bach
Donated in Memory of Vicky Bedford
Donated in Memory of Mary Ann Bokhart
Donated in Memory of Matthew Bolick
In Honor of Shaina Boone
Donated in Memory of Steven Clark Broek
In Memory of Allan Carlson
Donated in Memory of Steve Chinworth
Donated in Memory of Arlene Chinworth
Donated in memory of Steven R. Chinworth
Donated in Memory of Cleo Christensen
In Memory of Robert Arthur Clarke
Donated in Memory of Ed Combs
Donated in Memory of Thomas and Leona Corlett
Donated in Memory of Joseph Cramer
Donated in Memory of Rosemary Cramer
Dick and Dee Falk
Track Chair Donors Dick and Dee Falk
In Memory of William Fetsco
Donated in Honor of Nicole Gallie
Donated in Memory of Hildred Cammenga Geurkink
Track Chair Donors Gladstone Family
Pat & Julie Greene
Fredrick & Iris Gruhl
Donated in the Name of Darrel W. Hall Sr.
Donated in the Name of Kenneth W. Harned
Donated in Honor of Amy Heindel
In Memory of Arleene Hendrickson
Donated in Memory of Hershey
In Honor of The Hestings
Donated in Memory of Gaylon A. Heyse
In Memory of Mary Louise Keating Hodges
In Memory of Bob & Virgina Holihan
Donated by Jim Holzbach
Donated in Honor of Dave and Georgene Horowski
Donated in Memory of Judith Ann Howell
Donated in Memory of Doug Huntington
Donated in Memory of Norman J. Jacobson
In Memory of John Jeruzel
In Memory of Rick Jordan
In Memory of Dan Kistler
Donated in Memory of Darnell Kopinski
Donated in Honor of John and Fran Kuelske
Donated in the Name of Lance Kula
FLSP Donors Tom and Jackie Lane
Donated in Memory of Susan Lavigne
Donated in Memory of David Scott Lester

Charleen and Michael Lester

Shawn & Michelle Letarte
Donated in Memory of Park Ranger Bill Lindenau
Donated in Honor of Bud and Mary Lothschutz
In Honor of Robert and Margaret Lunde
Donated in Memory of Bob and Marge Lunde
Donated in Memory of Bob and Marge Lunde
Donated in Memory of Tess and Bob Martin
Donated in Memory of Howard G. McClain
Donated in Memory of Douglas D. McCormick
In Memory of Laura Metzger
FLSP Donor Michigan Power Limited Partnership
Donated in Memory of Ralph Morrill - Park Interpreter
Donated in Memory of Ralph Morrill
Michelle & Gregory Moyers
Donated in Memory of James F. Mulherin
Donated in Memory of James J. Myers Sr.
In Memory of Tanner Joel Newhouse
Donated in Memory of Linda Nickelson
Donated in Honor of Gradpa Duck and Nana Nut
Donated in Honor of Margaret (Peg) Parrott
A Donation Has Been Made by David R. Peterson
Donated in Memory of James S. Quasney
FLSP Donors Rick and Mary Ann Randall
Phyllis Reaper
Donated in Memory of Bryce L. Robbins
Donated in the Name Of Dennis Robbins
Donated in Honor of John and Tammy Savage
Donated in Honor of Ed and Lillian Savich
In Honor of Paul & Marilyn Schepel
Donated in Honor of Bill and Joan Sheets
Donated in Honor of Bruce R. Smith
Donated in Memory of Peggy Lee Smith
Donated in Memory of Tobey Dee Sorensen

In Memory of Valerie Stapleton

FLSP Donor Stelzer Family

Ed & Lynn Stelzer

Donated in Honor of Robert and Stephanie Sundholm
FLSP Donor Laura Swire
In Memory of Kevin Swygert
In Memory of James Tallman
Frank, Virginia, Paul, Jack, Shone, Josie Trezano
FLSP Donor Virginia Terzano
Donated in Memory of Thomas A. Tucker

Carl & Lynda Tuuk 

Donated in Memory of Rob Van Ausdall

The VanAcker Family

Donated in Memory of James H. Vandenberg
In Memory of Ilanna Vavre
Donated in Memory of Kenneth R. Wagahoff
Donated in Memory of Tom Wardlow
Donated in Memory of Max and Marvel Wardlow
Donated in the Name of Louise Weesies
Donated by West Shore Bank
Donated in Honor of Pat and Stub Willick - Camp Hosts
Donated in Memor of John D. Wisnieski Sr.

In Memory of Mary Wludyka

Donated in Memory of Ron Woodward

The following sign, located adjacent to the playground at Hamlin Beach, recognizes the donors that made it possible. 

The following sign, located adjacent to the kayak launch at Hamlin Beach, recognizes the donors that made it possible. 

The following are the names listed on the donor acknowledgement sign in the Warming Shelter.

In Recognition of The Generous Spirit of All the Friends of Ludington State Park Who Helped to "Warm The Trails" and Make this Facility a Reality

"Log", "Plank" and Membership Donations:

Bob and Lois Rasch

Margaret Haskins-Gage
Joy Bruce
Sarah James
Mary Davis
Nora L. Schultz
Dorothy Hall
Darlene Carpenter
James and Maureen Myers
Sharon Gibson
Jacqeline and Dale Masten
Susan Wall
Dr. Alan D. Nelson
Bruce and Yvonne Ormiston
Dr. and Mrs. Willam Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Keen
Scott and Barbara Sitler
Jim and Jeanne Holzbach
Adam and Debra Clement
James and Carletta Dempsey
Duncan and Nita Clarkson
Fabian Knizacky
Vickie Marie Knizacky
Jesica Ann Knizacky
Theresa Rose Marie Knizacky
Mr. and Mrs. Cleofas Perez Jr.
Ludington Beverage Co.
Louis and Francis Schauer
Yette, Mark and Stacey Ludington
Jack and Shirley Rasmussen
Arlene and Herbert Chinworth
Robert and Caryl Ferguson
Alexander Zaydo
Kathleen and Lynn Tooman
Janette and Martin Tobin
John and Karen Chickering
Todd and Debra Reed
Margaret Blain
Briggs True Value Hardware
Patricia Willick
Darlene Jacobs
Jim and Barbara Husted
Glen and Arliss Passage
Denise Haskin-Dettloff
David and Beth Hamelund
Mary Jo and Chuck Burpee

Don and Ann Johnson
Darin Gurizzian
Stan and Diana Roth
Gregg Neitzel
Laura Lamberti
Mike and Joanne Holton
Richard and Julie Hagye
Pat and Judy Henck
Sally Kopczynski
Gerald Gibbons
Jack Hovingh
Mary J. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Rosslip
Tom and Barb Roy
Mike Single
Carol Omahundro
Scott and Linda Folkert
Multiple "Log" Donations:
Hardman Construction Co.
Gordon and Laura Pleiss
The Milan and Dorothy Reed Fund
Norman TerBeek
Radiant Heating Unit through Contributions from
Ludington Dow Checmical Co.
The Carole Paine-McGovern Family
Electric Wiring services donated by
Tony Greene Electric, Inc.
Ceiling Wood Finish Donated by
Ludington Sherman Williams Co.
Additional funding provided by a grant from
The Ludington Area Foundation
Thanks to the Friends of Ludington State Park
Board of Directors for their efforts in support of this project:
David Hall, President
Larry Kivela
David Peterson
Steve Begnoche 

Friends of Ludington State Park, P.O. Box 123, Ludington, MI 49431 --  Contact us via Email

For park reservations or other information check out the Ludington State Park Website.

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