December 2022 eNewsletter
Hold the Date for Brrrewfest 2023
Once again FLSP will be the charity partner for the Ludington and Scottville Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Brrrewfest which will be held on Saturday, January 28, 2023. We will need 100 volunteers to assist in making this event successful. Volunteer sign-up will start later this month.
Kathy with her grandson, Finn Bach, at the LSP.
My name is Kathy Gallagher and I'm from Ludington and a grandma of eight. Upon retiring in 2016 from Spectrum Health, I along with my friend Maureen Barry, who is also in FLSP, decided to do a hike in Ireland. LSP was the perfect place to train for the trip. That was the beginning....I fell in love with our beautiful park and hiking! It's also a place I feel safe to go to on my own and walk / hike.
For the past few years I've set goals, started at 50 miles, then 100, this year 150 miles. More than once while hiking I've said, "I could live out here!" I am now a member of FLSP and help with leading hikes. I think its's important to care for and share what we have here with others. We are very blessed!
Volunteers Needed for Lit Lantern Events
FLSP has set the dates for the 2023 Lit Lantern Events -- Saturday January 7 and 21 and February 4 and 18. In order for these evening events to be successful we need volunteers. Please consider helping by signing up here.
Last year FLSP and LSP partnered with the Mason-Lake-Oceana Great Start Collaborative at one Lit-Lantern session for a Book Walk. This year we are going to partner on January 17 and February 18 to offer two Book Walk sessions. Free books will be available for kids and each walk will have a theme based on the book content.
Monthly Guided Hikes and Hiking Poles
Hiking poles available for use are hanging in the Warming Shelter.
Have you ever wanted to try a pair of hiking poles but did not want to spend the money? Thanks to Jim Henke there are now loaner hiking poles available for use at LSP. Jim and a number of his friends converted former ski poles into hiking poles and donated them to FLSP. They are available in the Warming Shelter for your use.
The next guided hike will be on Sunday, December 18 starting from the Warming Shelter at 2 p.m. You do not have to be an experienced hiker to participate since hiking pace and length will vary depending on the interest of the participants.
Track Chair User Feedback
Recently FLSP received a donation from Anne who lives in Kalamazoo. She included this comment with her donation. "I have Multiple Sclerosis and it gets harder each year to get to the lighthouse and enjoy the trails. I was excited this year to be able to borrow the track chair to get to these places. For years my husband made sure that I got to these places on our tandem bike. He was my engine, but he passed away in 2020. I’m sure he was smiling in Heaven to see me using the Track Chair and the accessible kayak launch and once again able to enjoy the beauty of Ludington more fully!! I loved it and am donating so more disabled campers can enjoy the experience I had!"
FLSP Board Member Transitions
The FLSP Board recently elected Nancy Hesting to fill the Board position vacated by longtime founding Board Member, Dave Hall. Nancy, and her husband Leo, have been longtime supporters of the LSP and FLSP. The Board is looking forward to having Nancy's energy, organizational and financial skills on the Board.
After 10+ years on the Board, Craig Rathke has decided to resign his Board position as of December 31. Craig, with assistance from his wife Judy, has served as Treasurer for many years. The Board expresses its gratitude to both Craig and Judy for having steered FLSP financially for many years. Craig and Judy have promised to continue to volunteer at FLSP events. Nancy Hesting was appointed to fill the FLSP Treasurer role going forward.
FLSP Board Approves 2023 Capital Projects
The FLSP Board has identified and initiated funding for a number of 2023 projects. In addition to adding a second track chair, FLSP is seeking funds to replace two of the beach wheelchairs and to add a walkway on the Hamlin Beach like the walkway that FLSP funded ten years ago on the Lake MI beach. All donations towards these three projects, which total $30,500, are greatly appreciated. You can donate by clicking here.
Membership Renewal Notices
It is that time of year for membership renewals. If you had a paid membership in 2022 you should have received an email reminder containing a link to renew online. You can pay online or mail in a check. If you have questions about memberships, please email FLSP by clicking here.